Get to Know Callier and Thompson
Mark Guenther Q&A
How would you describe your role on the Callier and Thompson team?
I feel that I am someone who can be turned to for questions, and assist Josh with his role. I am a full team player and always willing to help.
What are a few of your favorite things?
Working outside at home, antique malls, relaxing on the deck with my wife and dogs.
Share with us one unusual thing many people may not know about you.
I was in the military in the first gulf war (Desert Storm).
What do you like most about working for Callier and Thompson Kitchens, Baths, Appliances?
The family oriented team that is here. It’s always nice to have fun while working.
Where did you grow up?
A small farm community in Swamwick, Illinois.
What motivates you to work hard day in and day out?
My upbringing.
What makes you laugh the most?
Our dogs when they play with their Frisbees.
What is your favorite appliance and why?
Double oven. You can have numerous items cooking at once.
Do you have pets?
Four boxers.
What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Going to antique stores, being outside and working around the house.
What is your favorite game or sport to watch?
Cardinal baseball
What is your favorite tradition or holiday and why?
Annual Halloween party.
How long have you been in the kitchen and bath industry?
Since 2015, but I’ve been in the constructions industry since 1997.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
“Work hard and always strive to do your best.”
If you have to sing Karaoke, what song do you sing?
Honky Tonk Badonkeedonk – Trace Adkins.
If you were a professional baseball player, what song would you choose for your “walk up song”?
Swing by Trace Adkins
If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?
Construction tricks that I’ve learned over the years. Little techniques that make things easier.
Are you a cat or a dog person?