Get to Know Callier and Thompson
Cole Henderson Q&A
Share with us one unusual thing many people may not know about you.
I went to school for studio arts and child education.
What do you like most about working for Callier and Thompson Kitchens, Baths, and Appliances?
My bosses and co-workers. We truly are a big family.
Where did you grow up?
St. Charles, MO
What motivates you to work hard day in and day out?
I was raised to work hard no matter the job. I work hard for my family.
What makes you laugh the most?
My son singing 80s hair metal.
What is your favorite kitchen appliance and why?
Flat top. I make BIG breakfasts for the family on the weekends and can cook everything at once.
What do you do for fun in your spare time?
Spare time?
What is your favorite game or sport to watch and/or play?
What's your favorite tradition or holiday and why?
Halloween because my wife, son, and I make our own costumes.
What would you say to yourself if you could go back in time 20 years?
Start carpentry sooner.