Special Feature - Callier & Thompson Project Spotlight
The Demo – Let the fun begin!
The homeowners had emptied cabinets and removed furniture from the space, prior to the first day of demolition. They decided to change the scope of work and remove the carpet in the great room and dining areas to replace with wood flooring, and match the kitchen. To help keep the cost down, our homeowners pulled the carpet, pad, baseboards, tack strips and staples themselves. On this particular job, the existing wood floors are being sanded down and refinished to a new stain color, so it’s not necessary to protect them at this point.
Our eager crew jumped in and removed all of the cabinets, countertops, appliances and light fixtures. The countertops were hauled away, and the rest of the items were moved to the garage to be sold or donated, so nothing went to waste.
We've decided to remove all of the ceiling drywall in the kitchen area. There had been some old repairs that were unattractive, and we were adding so many can lights to the space that it made more sense to remove all of it, rather than cutting holes and patching. The homeowner didn’t care for the sand texture on the original ceiling, so this will give them a smooth painted finish when the job is complete.
The crew removed the kitchen wall drywall and insulation from the floor up to roughly 4 feet. This would allow the electricians and plumbers access to complete their rough-in work inside the walls.
The original kitchen had a walk-in pantry that the homeowner wanted to have removed. They felt that the pantry did not serve their needs based on their lifestyle and shopping habits. It had become a “catch-all” and was a heavily cluttered area. By removing it, we were able to really open up the kitchen space, which gave us more design flexibility for appliance locations. We will be installing a tall pantry cabinet with full extension roll-out trays to use for their pantry items.
We want to be sure our homeowners have a place to prepare and enjoy meals during the construction process. Their lower level bar already had a refrigerator and dishwasher, so we added a convection microwave and hot plate to keep them in the comfort of home as we work.
All of this and the carpet removal was complete in about 3 days. Now that we've done the initial tear out, we’re ready to move on to electrical and plumbing rough-in work and the local municipality inspections. Next!